Common Challenges Faced by MRI Technologists & How to Overcome Them
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) technologists play a crucial role in the healthcare industry. They operate big tube-like machines that use a magnetic field and radio waves to create images of patients’ organs, tissue, and bones. However, being an MRI technologist...
Manage & Reduce Patient Stress During MRI Scans with MRIaudio
Managing and reducing patient stress during MRI scans is something that doctors, technicians and medical staff alike are constantly striving to do. Unfortunately, the loud noise of the MRI machine can often be anxiety-provoking and even cause claustrophobia in some...
12 Ways to Reduce Anxiety for MRI Scan
If you’re one of the millions of people who dreads getting an MRI scan, you’re definitely not alone. But there are things you can do to help reduce your anxiety and make the experience a little bit easier. In this...
Curious about an MRI Audio System? Here’s How it Works
So you’re considering an audio system to help your patients relax during scans. Congrats, you’ve come to the right place. The benefits for using an MRI audio system are many. To name just a few, there’s helping to mitigate patient...
3 Ways to help Patients Relax During an MRI Scan
No one likes to feel like they aren’t in control. For many patients, preparing for an MRI scan can be an overwhelming experience. Most will have a lot on their mind already – insurance, fees, the possibility of a scary...
How to Justify the Cost of an MRI Sound System
Big or small, any investment in new technology is met with a few obvious and well-founded questions. Do we really need this or is this just nice to have? And while it doesn’t apply to all circumstances, it’s nice to...
The Hidden Costs of MRI Scanner Downtime and How to Avoid it
There’s no way to dodge it completely: MRI scanners need downtime. That downtime can be very expensive in time and dollars. But scanner downtime isn’t entirely outside your control. Addressing some of the main causes of scanner downtime can actually...
The impact of anxiety and claustrophobia on MRI patients and technicians – and how an audio system can help
It’s well documented that many patients experience anxiety and claustrophobia when undergoing an MRI procedure. But how big of a problem is anxiety and claustrophobia for patients needing an MRI? One study found that between 2 and 2.5% of patients...