About Us

Discover the story behind MRIaudio

Spencer Howe standing next to an MRI machine

Hi, I'm Spencer Howe the founder of MRIaudio.

MRIaudio manufactures MRI compatible audio systems for patients and their healthcare providers. Our systems provide patient comfort and allows for direct communication with patients. Through sound and technology we enhance the MRI patient experience and improve profitability of the imaging facility.

A Customer Service Company That Happens to Make MRI Audio Systems.

We design and build the worlds best MRI audio systems to mask the noise of MRI machines, provide high quality music for patients enjoyment, and allow technologist direct communication with patients during their scans.

Humble Roots Fueled by Customer Service Hard Work Ease of Use Innovation

Founded in 2011 by Spencer Howe, MRIaudio has grown from a single-man operation run out of a garage to a multimillion dollar company that provides music systems to over 1200 hospitals and clinics across the country and abroad. MRIaudio differentiates itself through industry-leading technology and quality – now an FDA registered medical device, MRIaudio’s music system stands head and shoulders above the rest, just like our CEO!


Year Established

Exceptional Growth Team Values

Thanks to our core values and our incredible team, MRIaudio has seen exceptional growth in recent years. Therefore, annual sales have grown nearly 100x. Each of our team members contributes to our success. Together, we produce a team that is greater than the sum of its parts, culminating in first-rate teamwork. The team believes that achievements deserve to be celebrated and that positivity is critical to success.


Annual Growth


Worldwide Clients

Leading the industry in Sound Quality Customer Service Innovation Technology

We are a dynamic, quick-moving company that always aims to go above and beyond, heeding the voice of the customer at every step. Working directly alongside MRI technologists, MRIaudio consistently utilizes their feedback to improve our products. This has lead to the development of customer-suggested features included in the third generation of the MRIaudio Premium Sound System. President and CEO, Spencer Howe, believes that simplicity and ease of use are paramount. The simplest solutions are typically the best ones and the easier a product is to use, the more it will be used. Our goal for every one of our customers is to make their life as easy as possible. We believe that every deal should be a win/win.

Established in 2011

We are a dynamic, quick-moving company that always aims to go above and beyond with constant innovation of our next gen products to meet customer’s wants and needs.

MRI Tech Startup

Revolutionary MRI Product Development

2nd Generation

Breakaway Product Improvements

3rd Generation

Leading the world in MRI audio technology & innovation

Future. Forward.

Next Gen. New Products & Unsurpassed Service.

Meet Our Team

Spencer Howe
Spencer Howe
Chief Executive Officer
David Rippey
David Rippey
President & CMO
Les Howe
Les Howe
Vice President
Zander Rodriguez
Zander Rodriguez
Sales Director
Sam Hafezi
Sam Hafezi
Customer Service & Installation
Arnie Lopez
Arnie Lopez
Warehouse Supervisor
Head of Security
Cruz Ley
Cruz Ley
Warehouse Assistant

Our Core Values

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We believe that easier a product or procedure is to use or follow the more it will be used. Our goal is to make your life as easy as possible.
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Providing a positive environment means providing a healthy workplace where team members can perform at their highest level.
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Every employee has their own strengths and weaknesses, we encourage all employees to focus on their strengths and help others with their weaknesses.
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Every deal and negotiation should benefit both parties. If a deal is weighted to heavily towards one side, it is not sustainable.
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At MRIaudio we strongly believe that both big and small accomplishments should be celebrated and that success should be praised.
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